Xiaomi Plays Smart With Keypad Phones

Xiaomi Plays Smart With Keypad Phones

Xiaomi Plays Smart With Keypad Phones

Here Xiaomi comes with a new keypad phone which is going to get a massive response from its customer base. None other than it’s a 4G smartphone comes with a keypad for those who cannot use a screentouch mobile phone but always wanted use 4G connectivity. It Seems like Xiaomi has decided to make a difference in the market of smartphones with their new product QIN1 & QIN1S.

These two phone comes with a whole lot of features that a keypad mobile user have always wondered about like 5MP camera at the back and 2MP camera at the front and with very good memory space of 512MB, that can also be extended to 8GB as well, the device will be running on a 256MB RAM and a 2.8 inches LCD screen can give the user a big fat smile on face.
